

It has been a little over a year since I started blogging it up on blogspot. This is my 170th post and, to celebrate the first year of Digsy Has A Blog!, here are my favorites of the 170 entries. Read them for the first time or again. They are pure magic...or a way to kill time when your boss isn't looking.

I started the blog here as a way to get my writing back on track. I don't know if the blog really helped at all, but it has given me an outlet to share some of the weirder adventures I've had this year (namely testifying in front of a jury and almost becoming homeless). I also used the blog to promote some of my past exercises in creativity, like my college sketch show "Fo' Show" and some hilarious journal entries from my childhood.

Sometimes Digsy Has A Blog! tries to be a way cool music blog, my fingers firmly on the pulse of the active indie rock scene. I mean, have you guys heard the new $$ album? It's so thrash-no, I can't get over it. And screw Annuals, right? Ugh, they might as well be Fergie with how mainstream they've gotten. Okay, I have no fingers near any music pulse, but that didn't stop me from writing entries telling you all about my love for The Features and Oasis. I also used this blog as a concert diary. The two most entertaining concerts I saw in the past year were The Apples in Stereo (where I became totes BFF with the band) and The Decemberists (where I was totes close to going cray-cray on some d-bags). Also, I blogged about how much I hate 80s music, how much I miss my Futureheads button, and how sad it is to see old bands get old-band-itis.

Occasionally I'd find something hilarious on the internet to share. Here they are:
The best American Idol contestant ever.
A family's love for its mummified baby.
Bizarre video mash ups of animal footage and rock/rap songs.
The creepiest friend request ever.

Believe it or not, sometimes Digsy Has A Blog! would talk about comics. I know! On those rare occasions, I defended X-Force, shared stories about my cousins and (in my most insanely detailed blog to date) let you all in on the secret world of the X-Kids.

I also blogged about improv, so here's my trip through 2007's Del Close Marathon.

Lastly, Digsy Has A Blog! had two special love affairs with two special tv series: Lost and Kid Nation. Both were intense television and both smacked me around with a drama stick, leaving me a battered and bruised wreck of a human being...and I loved (and blogged) every second of it. Great television...truly.

Year one of Digsy Has A Blog! has come to an end. I can't guarantee anything for year two. At all. Except more comic books.

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