The biggest recent event for me was Bad Data's one-year anniversary. We debuted last year on Setpember 1st and celebrated on the 6th with Bad Date III. It's been a heckuva year but I'm very proud to be part of a group that has now hit that landmark. It seems like only a handful of teams are still around from when we formed. Okay, I guess that's not so true, but only a handful still perform regularly. The UCB house team lineup is almost completely different, I can definitively say that. I can also definitively say that we've had some amazing group photos.
August 2007
December 2007 (by Adam Bozarth)

The show was a great deal of fun. Despite the huge tropical storm and the show being in Long Island City, it was packed to capacity. Fat Penguin and The Scam had awesome sets, as did the lottery team at the end (thank you for not breaking that skull!). There was no dance party/improv jam at the end like normal, but hopefully we'll have all that sorted out with the venue (wherever that may be) in time for Bad Date IV.
I had the first ever MST3K Mondays gathering last night at my place. A very nice turnout, "Pumaman" and Flour Tomato Amy's Pizza Snack Fun Times got the week off to a solid start. Is it Friday yet? I think I'm going to try to have these every week. You know, doing things with friends that don't involve improv or bars is fun.
I'm trying to read more political stuff, but it really feels like trying to read 100 Bullets starting with issue #92 (which I've done...and it's confusing). I don't know so many basic things about government procdure and lingo that, in a normal sized article, there are maybe only 3 sentences I totally understand. I know I'll pick up on things by reading them but my eyes and brain actively resist reading political anythings. I try and I always, without fail, feel my brain withdrawing and thinking about anything else. I think the only time I feel my brain is when it's freaking out about having to read political stuff. I'm trying. If anyone has any tips or useful sites, let me know. I'm sure I could get passionate about politics, but I'm just too behind and uninformed to know where to start. It's daunting task.
My improv 501 class ends next week and this makes me sad. I have never had a class this talented and exciting and I doubt I ever will again. I've learned so much from the class structure and from seeing so many talented people work out their own personal kinks, it's been truly eye opening and entertaining. So supportive, committed, such a great class. We got to do a Harold as senior citizens on Sunday. I had a blast acting like a 70-year-old trying to remember all the things brought up in the pattern game.
I'm currently in the process of re-building my work's MySpace and Facebook pages. Please friend them.
That's about it for now. How's that for an update?
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