Labor Day weekend was ginormous. I had both Friday and Monday off, something that I definitely needed. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, so having a solid two days with nothing to do was amazing. I slept, watched South Park and X-Files, started reading the $40 worth of comics I bought on Saturday, and fiddled with the iPod. All things I don't do enough of.
Bad Data debuted on Saturday at Under St. Mark's with Sherpa and Shark Tank and it was a lot of fun. It went well, we got lots of laughs, and I feel like we're a worthwhile entry into the ranks of the indie improv scene. Afterwards we went to Grassroots for a while and then hit up Beauty Bar for a late night danceathon. This is what I want Bad Data to be known for: the group that has a great time after their show is over, doing more than drinking in a bar. For real, we celebrated on Saturday night and it was one of the most fun nights I've had in a while. For the first time, or one of the first times, New York felt a bit like home. It would have been better if "This Is How We Do it" had been played.
A year ago around this time I posted this blog. I'm glad that both of these blogs contain dancing and fun times, but only one of them contains Late Show. I almost feel like (or screw almost; I do feel like) I'm a former high school athlete looking back longingly on his high school glory days. Late Show was my high school, my crowning achievement accomplished way too early in life (stop laughing, Ashley) and etc. etc. And okay, I know Late Show isn't the be-all-end-all but every day that I'm in New York I owe to that internship. I would be in Tennessee still, working for NewsChannel 5 right now if I hadn't been whisked away to the land of research. Because of that internship, I feel like I'm a lot closer to an awesome career in television, a career that would be almost unattainable from the position of a camera operator in Nashville. I've just replaced Late Show with UCB...but I still kinda yearn for the days that I had both.
A year ago around this time I posted this blog. I'm glad that both of these blogs contain dancing and fun times, but only one of them contains Late Show. I almost feel like (or screw almost; I do feel like) I'm a former high school athlete looking back longingly on his high school glory days. Late Show was my high school, my crowning achievement accomplished way too early in life (stop laughing, Ashley) and etc. etc. And okay, I know Late Show isn't the be-all-end-all but every day that I'm in New York I owe to that internship. I would be in Tennessee still, working for NewsChannel 5 right now if I hadn't been whisked away to the land of research. Because of that internship, I feel like I'm a lot closer to an awesome career in television, a career that would be almost unattainable from the position of a camera operator in Nashville. I've just replaced Late Show with UCB...but I still kinda yearn for the days that I had both.
My friends have a podcast. It makes my day.
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