ACT ONE: Where did Claire get them bangs? Is there a Dramatics hair salon on the island? Or maybe getting swept away by that undertow gave her a new do. And Desmond's flashback, that opening shot was brilliant. Oh, and the episode is a Drew Goddard/Damon Lindelof episode. Anything Goddard touches is gold...except for that episode of Angel set on the submarine. That was horrid.
ACT TWO: Wow. Okay. DriveShaft's Oasis connection is now fact. Oh, and this is also an awesome premise. Seeing Penny's dad's rejection of Desmond was crazy intense and well written (hello, Goddard and Lindelof). I'm excited to see where this setup goes. I never would have thought Desmond would become one of the better or more compelling characters on the show.
ACT THREE: What the?! I...okay, I thought this was an alternate reality, then the past, then an alternate version of the past, and now it's a crazy purgatory or a Truman Show esque deal. I thought all that in the course of an act. That's how good this show is. I'm pretty creeped out by this. The premise of getting to relive your life is such a good one, mainly because everyone would seriously consider the opportunity to do so. I would love to go back to 3rd grade and one up all the kids that picked on me with my big(ger) words and knowledge of adult matters.
ACT FOUR: This show's mythology keeps getting more and more grand. After hearing Old Lady's monologue, I have to wonder if Desmond is now part of a subspecies of humans who can predict the future. If some traumatic event occurs even off the island that does this to people. If the real woman in Desmond's real past would have reacted the same way if Desmond had initially bought the ring. All these questions! Oh, and Claire is the guy in the red shoes. Desmond's saved her twice leading me to believe that it's her time to go. This links in with her "raised by another" episode back in season one, especially since only Sun and Charlie were seen holding Aaron in this episode. Looks like he's already being raised by another, or others. But not The Others...yet. What if it was "raised by an other" instead of "raised by another"?
ACT FIVE: Oh SNAP! Ha! I was right and so wrong at the same time! This is why I love this show. It can spend an entire episode in flashback but because the character of Desmond is so strong, it can sustain. A whole episode in Jack's flashback? Bore. Charlie's? Sorry, I don't watch "Behind the Music" anymore. This? Crazy innovative and great. Too bad Charlie is getting X'd. He's had so much crap dumped on him...most of it his own doing, but still.
Next week looks great. I've been wondering what happened to all the kidnapped survivors, it all looks pretty Planet of the Apes to me.
MY SCORE: ***** (out of 5)
1 comment:
This week was so on-point I couldn't even stand it. I've decided I'm trying not to overthink the overall mythology of the show anymore and focus on characters: which, if Desmond's predicions are right, bodes well for my future.
I think the "theme" of the episode was that even if we WERE able to relive the past, we would still make the same stupid mistakes over and over again. That's why he was so broken and pathetic when he snapped "back" to the island - he was begging for another chance, when he already recieved the rare second and did nothing with it.
Also, he was shirtless like, 4 times.
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