NBC's Thursday night line-up makes my week. You make me all emotional over the sprawling love stories that are Jim/Pam, Jim/Karen, Pam/Roy, Dwight/Michael, Dwight/Angela (especially Dwangela). So much and yet not enough! And thanks for keeping 30 Rock and its old school charm around! This is the show that I was hoping Studio 60 would be. I would much rather work at "TGS with Tracy Jordan" than "Studio 60" and I totally heart seeing my fave UCB peeps in cameos every week. More Tara Copeland! And give Anthony Atamanuik a line!

Robert Schneider and you lovely (?) boys in the Apples in Stereo (and to ex-Apple Hilarie Sidney, a special VD wish for writing "20 Cases Suggestive Of..."). Your album has given me so much joy to scream and sing and stomp about. I'm seeing you guys tomorrow night, you don't have to return my VD greeting. Just sing "Ruby" and I'll know you care.

Mr. Whedon, Mr. Joss Whedon, how special you make today. The 20th issue of Astonishing X-Men comes out and I will surely brave the snow so I can accept your comic-shaped VD gift. It's your last arc on the series that has brought me to tears of joy often, but you've been kind enough to give me an upcoming episode of The Office and you're taking over the writing chores on Runaways. You're so good to me.

I may not be visiting your dimly lit yet charming self until Friday and/or Saturday night, but you gave me a grand old time last night, Upright Citizens Brigade Theater. Not only did I see the first performance of the new Harold team Bastian, but I actually felt like a social moth. I talked to people I know, I even heard my name called out by one of my classmates to get my attention! Finally, I'm starting to see people to talk to! Score!

Murfreesboro, I should have mailed you one of my promotional Norbit VD cards. Instead, I will declare my love for you here. Yeah, I know I left you for a city that's bigger and better-ish, but you still take care of my family and friends. You let them drive their cars, shop at used CD stores (which I have not stumbled across up here, by the way) and eat at Don Pablo's and Penn Station on a regular basis. And don't even get me started on your Mexican food! Me oh my! I don't know when our paths will cross again (at least another five months), but I think of you and your inhabitants daily (this goes for Nashville too) as I listen to Turncoats and the Features on my iPod. Special place in my heart. Next to the chocolate.

Madrox, my pretty little iPod, you keep me company all day long and provide me with just what I need to hear. Every Oasis song ever in a two day span? Thank you. Making my own musical by stringing together a series of songs to form a plot? Thanks again. The Office and Top Design on the D-train after long nights of improv watching? You know just what I need. I'll take care of you.
Happy VD everyone!
How much do I love these little hearts you've created.
Hope your VD was excellent.
Ah, the French "homage," meaning "to steal!"
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