I am not a fan of winter right now. I spent 100 minutes on the subway yesterday morning trying to get to work (that's a good 55 minutes longer than normal, folks) and had to transfer randomly last night on the way home because...well, the tracks had frozen sending a subway car full of children crashing into Brooklyn's oldest cathedral. Or not, but I'm sure the reason was just as silly. And now, as my reward for surviving yesterday, I have an insanely runny nose. It's so runny, it might run for president! Woo whee, shoot me in my face. On to today's stories...
- MTV.com has posted an interview with The Man Himself, Joss Whedon, where he discusses the upcoming season 8 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer being released by Dark Horse Comics. It's bigger, it's bolder, and we won't have to suffer through the actress that played Kennedy. Score.
- In further Joss Whedon news, he's said bye bye to Wonder Woman due to creative differences with the studio. If Destroyed, Still True's Paul O'Brien has a nice opinion on this that I agree with. Have I mentioned on this blog that I prefer the symphonic sounds of the Spice Girls to DC? Pretty much no spot in my heart for the home of Superman. O'Brien's article shocks me though since, apparently, Whedon's masterpiece-in-the-making Astonishing X-Men comic book has been moved from bimonthly to monthly and now to quarterly. Four times a year?! When he now he has less to do?! My main complaint about Astonishing, my only complaint, is the schedule. You can't build up momentum in a series if there are three months in between issues! It's impossible! Nerd alert, I know, but I'm pretty miffed. Yeah, miffed.
- And speaking of miffs or words that are one letter different, Best Week Ever's blog introduced me to this great clip from MTV's hard hitting series, Engaged & Underage. Just watch it. Eeeh.
Ok, as if I needed one more confirmation that we are the same person, or at least share mutual brain cells, you just hated on Kennedy. And you mentioned momentum in a comic book.
be care!
good blog, i am in Chile, too much sun!
bye, good blog
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