A classmate from my past (improv101) and future (improv201) called and asked me if I was going to Cage Match at UCB. I was all like, "I want to but wandering around the city for four hours, kinda lame. Only so many books about 1980s indie music at Border's for me to look at. And I'm not even that big of a fan of 1980s indie music." She was all like, "then come to The Magnet Theater with me and my friend, then we'll head to The Match!" Neither of us actually talk like this.
So yes, I did both. Things I like about The Magnet:
1. Same cheap prices as UCB. Imrpov clubs in Boston charge $20 a show. That's insane. What makes them think improv fans have money? We spend it all on comics and tv on dvd.
2. Old school Pac-Man arcade game. I haven't played this but it's similar to the one in the Pizza Hut of my childhood (everyone has that one special Pizza Hut, ya know?).
3. A large-ish lobby with couches, and you are encouraged to wait inside. This may be because there isn't as high of a traffic flow at Magnet as there is at UCB (at least there hasn't been on the two occasions I've been). Of course, we were encouraged to wait inside at UCB last night (or rather, not discouraged) due to the cold.
4. Cup holders in the chairs.
Still, my heart belongs to UCB and Cage Match did not disappoint. T.R.U.C.K.S. vs. Reuben Williams. Whereas earlier I said reviewing improv was in poor taste, I guess Cage Match asks you to not only judge and review it, but reward it. I voted for Reuben Williams (I may be breaking some sort of code by revealing this) but I am also a T.R.U.C.K.S. enthusiast. Nick Ross is fascinating to watch, he dives in and out of a wide array of characters with such ease! I've seen both Amber and Bridie do sketches at other shows, both of which were impressive. Bridie also made fun of me during one of her sketches, so props to her. But I've been on a Reuben kick lately and they wowed me again. But a good night overall. I've never seen a bad show at UCB.
"The Infanta" by The Decemberists ****
"We Both Go Down Together" by The Decemberists *****
"Angel, Won't You Call Me?" by The Decemberists *****
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