
I am aware of that.

I have just finished my first week as Associate Editor of the conventions department for Wizard Entertainment and I am exhausted. Partly because I've done a lot of work this week but mostly because I've dealt with a total of 25ish hours spent on buses, subways, and walking along highways commuting to and from work. Yeah, I'm beat. Thankfully my awesome parents drove my car up here last night and today, so I'll be back on the road come Monday morning.

The highlight of the work, or the story that I will tell for the rest of my life, is how I was told to call Chris Claremont literally within ten minutes of starting my first day of work. For those of you not in the know, Chris Claremont basically jump started the X-Men 33 years ago and turned them into the powerhouse they are today. Around 80% of the material you saw in the three X-Men films was based on his stories. Nearly all of my favorite characters were created by him (Multiple Man included). He was the voice of my favorite comic of all time for around sixteen years. And I had to call him to invite him to our upcoming convention in Philadelphia. I made sure to test out my sales pitch on other creators first (Mark Brooks and Phil Jiminez, pretty big comic artists whose work I enjoy). When I called Claremont I tried to remain cool and I pretty much did. I saw in the notes that I should mention that Marvel wanted Claremont to promote New Exiles, so I made sure to mention it. "Marvel wants you to promote New Exiles." And he replied, in his vaguely British accent, "I am aware of that." Nice.

On Tuesday I talked to an NYJedi who, when I told him I live in New York and saw them march in the Halloween parade, told me I should drop by and take a lightsaber fighting class at their facility. So much of me thinks this would be awesome for both a good story and also because I kinda want to learn how to build and fight with a lightsaber.

It's been a crazy week and I'm sure I'll have more stuff to talk about soon. I already have some articles up on www.wizardworld.com here, here, here, here, here, and here.

1 comment:

Esbat said...

Ahh Chris Claremont, he served my childhood well.