Plot: Joss Whedon & Brian Lynch
Script: Brian Lynch
Illustrator: Franco Urru
Colorists: Jason Jensen & Art Lyon
Letterer: Robbie Robbins
Editor: Chris Ryall
Another over-priced issue of Angel. I'm still paying $4 for a decent story and absolutely dreadful art. So far this series has provided a nice amount of surprise even if it sometimes feels a little over-the-top. I'm still wondering why werewolf girl from one (bad) episode in season five now gets a major part. The rest of the characters are all behaving like themselves and Lynch has really managed to write for these characters in a consistent and believable manner. That's the only high point of this series. Whereas previously my only noticeable complaint was the ugly pencils and ill-defined inks, I can now add garish coloring to the list. Everything has a rubbery shine and the coloring team colors like they're using a box of 8 crayons. There is no reason why Lorne's horns, eyes, lips, and crown should all be the exact same shade of Crayola red. Maybe IDW can't afford real coloring software. This issue ends on a nice cliffhanger and the next three issues focus on the first night of the big Hell attack on LA. One issue is drawn by John Byrne, so I'm excited to see how much this series improves when it's illustrated by someone with real experience.
MY SCORE: 7.8/10

"9: Dennis --or--Bad Moon Rising"
Writer: Matt Fraction
Breakdowns: Barry Kitson
Pencils: Javier Saltares
Inks: Stefano Gaudiano & Derek Fridolfs
Colors: Sotocolor’s J. Roberts
Letterer: Artmonkeys Studios
Editor: Alejandro Arbona
Supervising Editor: Warren Simons
Editor In Chief: Joe Quesada
Publisher: Dan Buckley
You can read this review at Comixfan.
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