But since the best improv week of my life may be ending tonight (with a nuclear bang), I should probably blog about it.
Last Thursday, returning UCB Cage Match champs Derrick had to retire due to being in LA. Jakijesu, the challenger, waited anxiously as the Cage Match Gods pulled eight names out of the ether to form the opposing teams. That's us, up and to the left. The Golden Bullet Band, as named by the UCB, comprised of eight individuals who became one. And won. Winning was not what I expected to happen, especially since drunken buffoonery reigns supreme where cobbled together improv groups perform (most jams, especially Jammin' With Ralph). Uh, that did not happen last Thursday night. I had, probably, the best improv experience complete with group mind, group games, and multiple running themes all coming together in the last minute.
And all this week, I have been a Cage Match champion.
Tonight we face a mighty challenger and, well, will probably lose. But for real, I'm tickled pink (I could do better than that) to perform as a returning champion at Cage Match, which is something that only a couple dozen/hundred people can say. Or, well, only four other teams from this go-round of Cage.
I've also subscribed to dictionary.com's Word of the Day email. This will not contravene the integrity of this blog, it will only proselytize others to it.
Honests y'alls, more imports, I totes discovved this on Mondaiz. WAAAAI better than xxCagexx!!!11
1 comment:
you were robbed last night. y'all had a phenomenal show last night; i had a blast :)
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