She went back into the boss's office. I caught a glimpse of 90s pop culture. Then my boss needed someone to operate her DVD player (yep) and her assistant was out getting them two coffees. I got to take the DVD from Jessie Spano's hand as my boss talked up my techno-wizardry (no idea where that came from, by the way). I put the DVD in, success. Then I turn on the TV. It's on TiVo mode. Crap, I don't know how to get it off of TiVo. Jessie Spano is counting on me to get this DVD cued up! I start frantically (not really) looking for a TV/Video button on the TiVo remote, a power button on the remote or box to turn it off, anything. NOTHING!! Then Katelyn, the assistant, walks in with the coffee. I call her over to help and that's it, "I put so much faith in you, Brett!" Jessie Spano says jokingly. Blew it. Katelyn gets the DVD player set up, and we exit.
I also got to see a screening of the new Edgar Wright/Simon Pegg/Nick Frost film "Hot Fuzz." These are the guys responsible for "Shaun of the Dead," pretty much the best movie about zombies ever (I make no claims of being a zombie fan). "Hot Fuzz" is bloody freakin' brilliant in every way, shape, form or fashion. I loved it. I left the theater wishing that these guys would make every movie released from now on! It's funny with no fart/poopie jokes for the whole two hours, it's action packed, Simon Pegg shows that he's a good actor by not playing Shaun again, it uses two (2!!!) Kinks songs ("Village Green" and "Village Green Preservation Society"), and it is shot and edited with such straight up glee...it's infectious. I don't know if it'll get a wide release, but it opens in April. See it. I posted the trailer below.
What's even better: Edgar Wright is directing Ant-Man for Marvel. I'm so excited for this, and I don't even care about Ant-Man. Even better? The trio may be on Opie & Anthony and, if Edgar is there, he's hella-signing my copy of Irredeemable Ant-Man #1.
i'm no trash
but i prefer to think of her as showgirls
i liked that movie...i guess no one else in the world did.
OMG and WTF? you weren't even a SBTB fan! NF (not fair)!
whatev. everyone can appreciate the huge, bloody, hilarious car crash that is "showgirls." i watched it on vh1 the other day, complete with cgi bras. so bad.
missy elliot
hot fuzz looks amazing. can't wait to see it.
oh yeah, and you should've just said "hey showgirls" when she walked in. i bet she'd have loved it.
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