I've been sick at my stomach some lately because of this pizza I eat way too often. It's not like I don't like pizza, don't get me wrong. I eat it all the time because I love it. I mean, in some ways I was born to eat pizza and have been doing so daily well before I started, um, well, eating pizza all the time. But here's the thing: this pizza takes a long time to cook. Seriously, it's intense. The dough is hard to manage, I keep losing the sauce and the pepperonis are really...really...expensive. Not to mention the restaurant keeps getting inspected (twice so far!) and the cost to keep the restaurant open is pretty high. But I mean, worth it because, hey, I love pizza. But goshdarnit if the meal wasn't book-ended not only by the long preparation but a good deal of time afterwards spent in the ol' bathroom. Anything I might get out of that pizza is totally lost by the time I claw my way out of the stall. And you know what? I kinda miss burritos. I really do now that all these anchovies and weird vegetable-esque things have been landing on my pizza. Seriously, didn't ask for those, 'kay?
And the other...
How long do you have to keep a pizza in the oven before you can actually enjoy it?
I have no clue what you're talking about!
Well the first one is obviously about relationships, and the second one must be about having a baby.
I never want to eat pizza again.
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