Jennifer, Amanda and myself entered the Ray's Pizza at the Nexus of New York after deciding that the deliciously questionable vending machine meals from Bamn weren't fulfilling enough. Upon entering and placing ourselves in the unusually long line, I noticed that there was a couple next to the entrance having an argument. The couple was young, as were most all of the customers, and the woman's back was to me leaving the man's face in full view. He had both his hands on the woman's shoulders and was very sternly and aggressively yelling at her. The noises she was making led me to believe she was crying as he cursed and accused her of coming in between him and his friends. Awkward, but a public argument is not that unusual in New York.
Our attention was then grabbed back towards the pizza counter as one of the employees had stormed over and started yelling at a woman who was standing just outside the open door of the other entrance. "YOU'RE ALREADY INSIDE, WHY DO YOU WANT TO CLOSE THE DOOR?!" he screamed. She looked at him dumbfounded for a second and then slowly walked back to her place in line. The employee marched back to an oven.
A lady brushed by the waiting line to exit out of the door that the other stunned woman had tried to close. In doing so, this lady ignored a homeless man who had positioned himself very strategically in front of the door so as to properly beg for change. When the lady ignored him and kept walking, he grabbed her arm and stopped her. He told her all about being polite and acknowledging other human beings while she stood there, waiting to leave and eat her pizza. She broke free and kept walking which led the homeless man to start talking to the man in front of us about the social injustices in the world.
A lady brushed by the waiting line to exit out of the door that the other stunned woman had tried to close. In doing so, this lady ignored a homeless man who had positioned himself very strategically in front of the door so as to properly beg for change. When the lady ignored him and kept walking, he grabbed her arm and stopped her. He told her all about being polite and acknowledging other human beings while she stood there, waiting to leave and eat her pizza. She broke free and kept walking which led the homeless man to start talking to the man in front of us about the social injustices in the world.
An employee, perhaps the one with a thing for open doors, then shouted "next" twice. The girl now behind us in line shouted "Next! Order!" to us, to which we responded that it wasn't our turn. The people in front of us quickly ordered so they could ignore the homeless man. After they finished ordering, "next" was shouted again causing the woman behind us to immediately yell "Come on! Order" to us. Jennifer turned around and told the girl "She's ordering, calm down!" as Amanda ordered.
It was then that I noted "this pizza parlor is so tense."
We had now moved up in line and were directly across from the homeless man. He started saying "hey" or something, to which I was definitely not going to answer. He asked Jennifer if I was her "homeboy" to which she told him that I was and asked if he had a problem with it. He tried to shake Jennifer's hand but she was, of course, not having any of that. This guy was a jerk. When she snubbed him he said "I wasn't trying anything, you were in my way" to which both Amanda and Jennifer informed him that he was in everyone else's way. He left.
Amanda got her pizza, which wasn't very good apparently, and we escaped.
Please report all other instances of mood alteration in or around The Nexus of New York to:
Ghostbusters c/o: Egon Spengler
14 N. Moore Street
New York, NY 10013
actually, the guy asked the dude in front of us if HE was your homeboy...and then smirked, which is what made me stick up for you...
and almost get in a fist fight.
you NEVER go to that ray's. ever, it's awful. always go to 1)pizzazza on the corner of 2nd (like 2 feet from BAMN!) or 2) 2 brothers, which is across the street and doing $1 slices for being new to the area.
I'm all about Venkman.
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