Ever since I bought my Art of Vintage Marvel notebook set, I've been able to freely document the sketch ideas, spec script outlines, and truly Mortified-esque depressing ramblings that come to me on the subway, at work, or during class. I've also continued my efforts of re-designing the original costumes for my league of teenage wonders, the X-Kids. I created the X-Kids, I can't believe it, almost 15 years ago when I was in the third grade. Since then, I have chronicled their story in about 40 home made comic books, another 20 or so comic book scripts, and way too many various Word and Excel documents. Lately, since the team's earliest exploits haven't been touched by me (for the most part) in over a decade, I've decided to start back at the beginning and redefine and strengthen stories that I dreamt up way back when Full House was the most important show on television. Trying to make sense of orphaned kids living in a junkyard until they are rescued from Sentinels by Professor X and Cyclops is, well, a challenge. But it keeps me entertained.
And, for some reason, blogger won't let me center anything unless the whole blog gets centered. Whatever.
CAMILEO character design
(original character)
And, for some reason, blogger won't let me center anything unless the whole blog gets centered. Whatever.
CAMILEO character design
(original character)
Camileo was created by my cousin and was first called Clayface. Yes, based on Batman's Clayface. That name didn't stick (not that Camileo is much better...or...even a word) but the powers more or less did. In my designs for team costumes, I always try to have a unifying theme so that every costume both looks individualistic when alone and cohesive with the rest when in a group shot. Since these characters are all 12-16, I'm trying to give them all a hip and young style. Camileo's always worn a headband, so that stays just for the fun of it. I like giving someone whose body morphs a loose fitting t-shirt, and a deep v-neck makes sense with the X design.
BLATION character design
(original character)
I know the first thing I should fix are all these goofy names but, after 15 years, you kinda get attached to them. In the design on the left I tried to make a cardigan heroic and instead made him look like Havok. Blation's always had the Gambit headgear and, since most of the characters have nothing even resembling a mask, I tried to keep it. The other full body design on the right was my attempt to ditch the cardigan and add the cardigan's patches to the shirt. I like the pockets on the pants but it makes for an elaborate bottom with a simple top. Next to his right foot is another jacket design, a zip up with a subtle 'x' outlining the neck and waist. Not so good. I'd say the one I'm going to stick with is the one in the middle, with the bomber jacket, probably with some tweaking.BLATION character design
(original character)
BLAKE character design
(original character)
Blake, originally called Blade before I knew Marvel had such a character, is a superhumanly agile swordsman, so I looked to traditional fencing gear for inspiration. Since he's always jumping around with swords, it makes sense that he'd wear armor. The big design in the center is my first go at it, not such a fan of what turned out to look like garter belts. The small one to the left is more like it and, to unify this with Forecast's costume, I added seams down the front of the pants (shown on the far right).
(original characters)
The first picture of two of my re-designed X-Kids in action! Camileo and Forecast, for those of you who know (meaning 'me'), are one of the X-Kids' power couples. Camileo's costume underwent a slight change from the one above; I changed his belt out to match Forecast's and added the seams to his pants. I need to figure out something for the team's boots. And this was done in pencil.
(original characters)
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