Did I just out myself as a crazy?
I don't know if this counts as a real phobia since I actively seek out information on aliens and purposely watch programs that feature real aliens (X-Files and the many FX, Fox, and History Channel documentaries). Arachnophobes don't surround themselves with spiders, but I force myself to look at aliens knowing the sheer discomfort they cause me.
This all originates in my childhood when I would only check out books from the supernatural section of the library. This little kid in the third grade constantly reading books about bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster and, of course, aliens. And if those books didn't do it, then Unsovled Mysteries totally did. That show, that cursed show, combined the creepiness of Robert Stack with smoke machines and scary synth music to visually assault my little brain on a weekly basis with images of ghosts, monsters, and beings from beyond our galaxy. Yeah, they also had lost loves and stories about angels and that junk, but I only watched for the freak show. I tortured myself! I remember my mom comforting me one night, saying that the aliens might be like Chewbacca, and I like Chewbacca.
That might have worked then. It doesn't now.
I don't live in constant fear that I'm going to be abducted, that we're going to be colonized, blah blah, I'm not really a conspiracy theorist. I don't even know how solid my pro-Roswell convictions are (they've never been tested by a Scully-esque lady) and I've never experienced anything remotely bizarre...ever. But I just don't buy that the aliens are good or that they are here to help us after reading and researching and watching countless interviews with abductees. And yes, I have done that. In my speech class in college, I did a persuasive speech about why people should be open to the idea of extraterrestrials. I also did speeches about how to collect comics and why people should watch better TV. My teacher asked me to join the debate team, no joke.
The picture above comes from one of the more disturbing alien videos I've seen. It's a video between a government official and a captive alien. Towards the end of the video, the alien starts having some sort of medical emergency and medics rush in to help. It freaks me out.
I also can't watch Signs.
1 comment:
Man, those mid 90's FOX specials that aired in the heyday of the X-Files gave me the willies something tremendous. Even the title sequence of "Sightings", with it's trademark gaunt pencil drawn alien was enough to send me scurrying behind the couch. *shudder.
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