I would have never guessed that the US version of The Office would reach such heights after watching the copycat pilot. Over the last 43 episodes, this show assembled the largest and tightest cast of characters and managed to stretch the office-love drama three times as long as its UK predecessor. I can't think of any show on the air right now that constantly puts me on such an emotional rollercoaster (but Lost comes back Wednesday, so that'll change). I go from laughing hysterically to Michael saying that the stripper probably has a "boyfriend in jail" to laughing awkwardly at Michael showing his unborn son how to take a bra off a girl...that is actually Dwight, to being completely moved by Roy's admission of finding Pam's art sexy, to wincing at Karen and Pam's awkward lunch-room state of the union convo. This was one of the best episodes of the season, even if it didn't feature new regular Ed Helms (who has become a standout this year). I can't wait for Phyllis' wedding, and I really hope Meredith gets trashed and punches Angela. Awesome.
MY SCORE: ***** (out of 5)

"His Story IV"
I'm a recent fan of Scrubs, so I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to review this show. I've seen the majority of the last two seasons and caught a dozen episodes of the previous four years. It's a good show and I've always noticed how it manages to balance serious issues with comedy. Tonight the show did just that; an entire episode dedicated to the war in Iraq and its polarizing effect on people. Wow. I was really impressed by the show's somewhat even depiction of both arguments and laughed out loud at the horny Republican sex scene. This is a great little show that I will catch up with on NetFlix at some point. Sometimes I feel that the show goes too far with it's gags (I loathe Family Guy for doing an extreme version of this), but the amazing character interactions that go along with the gags make them tolerable.
MY SCORE: **** (out of 5)

Can I start my love fest for this show? This is the best first season of a comedy series since Arrested Development. Every week, the show improves and finds its voice. Tina Fey has proven herself to be great comedienne and Alec Baldwin, well, strangers are tossing awards at him now. I feel like this show is The Little Sitcom That Could. It has retro music, an opening title sequence, crazy capers, all done with mischievous grin and a "look what we're getting away with!" wink. Tonight, Paul Reubens guest starred as a paralyzed-drooling-molt bucket of an inbred foreign prince who falls for Jenna. On top of that Isabella Rossellini gives an Emmy worthy performance as Jack's ex-wife. Her assault on Liz upon finding out she's "engaged to Jack" was hilarious, the highlight being the stripping of Liz and the breaking of the champagne bottle. And Kenneth and Tracy prove, once again, to be great comedic foils. Their role as angel and devil to Pete was well done and gave Tracy a great line ("I'm just looking for the lobby!"). I love this show. In a perfect world, it'll get an Emmy nod and win.
MY SCORE: ***** (out of 5)
1 comment:
i have season 1 and 2
don't buy anything yet.
you have to start at the beginning.
also though, you can watch most of them at tv-links.co.uk
kay that's all byebye
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